i've decided
why Jesus?
If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Salvation is God’s free gift to us, and by choosing to receive it, we become His children.
If you are ready to become a part of God's family, and have recognized that you need Jesus - you can choose to follow Him right now by praying a prayer of surrender to Jesus.
Dear Jesus, I’m praying this prayer because I know that I have done wrong by living without You. I am sorry and I trust that You will forgive me. I turn from my sinful ways and accept Your love and grace for me. I ask that You be my Lord and Leader. Help me believe in You and love You every day, and help me to show the world what You are like and how great Your love is.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
If you just prayed that prayer for the first time - congratulations and welcome to God's family!!! To pray these words with a surrendered heart to Jesus is the beginning of the most important voyage you will ever embark on: the journey to follow Jesus. This journey will lead you to purpose, wholeness, and a new perspective on life. We are full of joy for you!
Please let us know if you’ve just made a commitment to Jesus and prayed this prayer by clicking the button below.
more resources
our beliefs
Read more about what we at Life Church believe about Jesus, the Bible, and our lives as followers of Jesus.
Baptism is your next step if you've just prayed that prayer! Acts 22:16 says it best - "And now, why delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins by calling on His name"!
next steps
Now that you've joined the family of God, check out what your next step might be after Baptism and how to get connected with the family of believers at Life Church.
request a bible
We believe the Bible is God's word and how He's revealing Himself to us. To learn more about Jesus, and how to hear God's voice, you need one! We would love to get one to you.
Plan your first visit
We're joyfully making room for you, your friends, and your family. We want your first visit with us to be comfortable and inspiring. Join us.