21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
M-F Mid-Day Prayer From 11:30am-1:30pm in the Auditorium
Throughout these 21 Days, we want to provide you with several ways to engage:
- Corporate gatherings
- Equipping events
- Individual prayer times
One of the ways we would like to encourage you to engage individually is to participate in a 24/7 prayer initiative.
Our goal is to have prayer happening 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during this time of prayer and fasting! As a church, we would like to ask you sign up for an hour time slot using the provided link below, or by signing up on our LCB app. Just sign up for a time slot, and then during that time, you can pray alone or with a friend! We also will provide you with a prayer guide to help you navigate the hour of prayer that you have signed up for.
24 Hour Prayer Guide
Praise is the entryway into God’s presence (Psalm 100:4). Praise is simply telling God who He is. The Psalms provide a great starting point for this. For example, you could pray Psalm 34:15: “God, we praise You because You are the God who sees us and hears every prayer we pray.”
During the time of waiting, take a couple of minutes of silence to quiet your thoughts and become aware of God’s presence (Psalm 131:2). Take note of any prayer direction from the Holy Spirit that comes to mind. We are His people and we can hear His voice (John 10:27).
2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us that when God’s people repent from wickedness, God blesses and heals their land. Ask God to “search your heart” for any sin, and take a moment to confess it, turn away from it, and receive God’s forgiveness (Psalm 139:23-24; 1 John 1:9).
Scripture Reading
Jesus guarantees that when we pray according to the word of God, our requests will be answered (John 15:7-8). We believe there is value in praying scripture because we want to pray strategic, faithfilled prayers according to God’s will and not our own. We also pray with scripture because that is what all believers in Jesus agree on, and agreement is key for power in prayer (Matthew 18:19)
In intercession, we contend for God to move on someone else’s behalf (Romans 15:30; 1 Timothy 2:1-2). Identify the situations, areas of culture, or groups of people for whom you are asking for spiritual awakening, and pray for them. For example, we can pray for salvation in our workplaces with 2 Thess. 3:1: “Lord, let your Gospel be preached and received well!”
Personal Petition
Matt 7:7-11 teaches us that the act of asking is key to receiving from God! We need to be humble to do this. In asking, we acknowledge we can’t do it for ourselves. We need God. Identify areas in your personal life where you are hungry to see God move and pray in faith to your Heavenly Father who loves to bless you! Ex: We can pray for a greater understanding of Jesus from Eph 1:17-19 “Holy Spirit, open my heart and mind to know Jesus more!”
In thanksgiving, we remember God’s blessings. This shifts our perspective from our circumstances to God’s activity, strengthening us to contend, believing that God does not withhold any good thing from His children (Psalm 116:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 84:11). Thank Him for any blessings that come to mind or the ones you see in scripture. For example, Psalm 103:3: “God, thank You for forgiving all my sin and healing my sickness.”
The entire book of Psalms is a collection of worship songs. Over and over we are told to sing to the Lord. We see from the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles that praise is powerful in defeating the enemies of God (Psalm 98:1; Psalm 68; 2 Chronicles 20:1-25). Pop in your headphones and sing along with Spotify, or sing any song on your heart. Psalm 96:1 says “Sing to the Lord a new song.” Celebrate that God has heard every prayer