What is Outreach?
At Life Church, part of our vision is that we are a local church of Christ-followers who love in outreach with intentionality so that those far from God may be brought closer to Him.
“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Serve Our City, Nation, & World

Local Outreach
Every month, Life Church Buffalo has multiple opportunities to love and serve our community with intentionality. Be a part of serving our communities here in WNY and share the love of Jesus through project teams executing simple, practical acts of kindness. As each one approaches, you’ll be able to learn about the projects our Life Church members are leading and sign up to join one of the teams!
National Outreach
When tragedy strikes, Eight Days of Hope chooses to run towards the impossible- with the strength and power of Jesus’ name. While physically rebuilding communities destroyed by disasters, they desire to give those around them what they really need: Hope in Jesus.
We are partnered with Eight Days of Hope and volunteers from Life Church have joined them in their disaster relief efforts across the country.

Global Outreach
Life Church Buffalo partners with ministries and missionaries all over the globe including HBI Global, YWAM Romania, IHNO Ministries, Freedom International, and Compassion International.
Join us in our commitment to reaching the lives of individuals and communities worldwide by joining an international missions trip.
Ready To Lead A Team?
Do you have an idea for a project for one of our Serve Day teams? Or just have a passion to lead people into their own callings? Then we’d love to have you part of our Outreach team! Let us know you’re interested and we’ll be in touch as we plan our next event.

Outreach Stories
Outreach Ministry Partners
Local Ministry Partners

Son Rays Ministries

Christian Counseling Ministries

Every Child

Friends Feeding Friends

Buffalo City Mission

Buffalo Mutual Aid Network

The Goodness Project

Tri-Community Fool Pantry

People Against Trafficking Humans

YMCA Teen Enrichment Program
National Ministry Partners

Eight Days of Hope

Next Level Relational Network

Carol McLeod Ministries
International Ministry Partners

HBI Global

Responders on a Mission

Freedom International

Harvest Hands Ministries

Compassion International

LIGO Rowanda

God has a place for YOU where your unique abilities and passions can touch the lives of others for His glory—both within the walls of Life Church and beyond.
Discipleship happens when we pursue and prioritize authentic community and spiritual growth. No matter what stage of life you are in, there is a Life Group for you.
Sundays at 8AM 9:45AM, & 11:30AM
Life Church Buffalo
4928 Seneca St,
West Seneca, NY 14224
716-675-5433 (LIFE)
© copyright 2024 Life Church Buffalo all rights reserved